For W8 and 8.1: Click the Start button, then Control Panel — System and Security — Administrative Tools — System Configuration. Then check the Safe Boot option and click OK. C lick Restart in the pop-up.
So Remove shortcut virus with easy steps. From that PC if you transfer any data or copy any files then there. Shortcut Virus Remover. Remove shortcut virus. How to Remove shortcut virus! 4 methods to remove Shortcut virus in Pendrive. How to Remove Shortcut Virus permanently. Copy Files and Paste where you want.
For W10:. Open the Start menu.
Click the power button icon in the right corner of the Start menu to show the power options menu. Press and hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard and click the Restart option while still holding down the SHIFT key. W10 will perform the reboot.
Next do the following: Click the Troubleshoot icon, then Advanced options — Startup Settings. Click Restart. After the reboot click on Enter Safe Mode With Networking (Fifth Option). Keep in mind, SpyHunter’s malware & virus scanner is free. To remove the infection, you'll need to purchase its full version. And This step will restore your files and delete the treacherous shortcut created by the virus. Instructions for deleting the virus follow after it.
However none of these steps can remove any extra viruses that may have been loaded into your machine while Shortcut Virus was operational. To do that use an automated scan tool from an anti-virus or anti-malware program. If you don’t have one or the one you use did not find the virus (your computer was infected after all) please look at our recommendation above.
How To Remove Shortcut Virus Hold the Start Key and R together. Write cmd in the field, then click OK. You are now in the Command Prompt panel. Now go to My Computer and see which name windows assigned to your drive.
In my case it’s drive F. Now you have to go to the Control Panel window that we opened and type the letter of the drive followed by semi-columns – in my case it is like this F: Then hit Enter. A new like will appear that will look like this F: Now type the following: attrib F:. /d /s -h -r -s.
(Replace F: with the drive name of your drive) Now hit Enter. All of your files will now be recovered and the Shortcut virus deleted from this drive. Repeat this step for all affected drives – simply change the F letter from the example with the proper letter assigned to the drive you are currently cleaning!. NOTE: it is entirely possible you have contracted a virus that is the first step towards a “ransomware.” Ransomware completely encrypt your personal files and demand money to release them.
Trojans are the primary source of such threats – and the shortcut virus comes via Trojans. Be careful to observe not only how to remove Shortcut virus, but look around for other problems. It is highly recommended to use a professional scanner as well. Step 2B (Optional) Perform this step if the instructions of Step 2 somehow didn’t work and you can still see the shortcut virus on your drive. First create a new.txt file (Mouse right click - New-Text Document) and open it via NotePad.
Copy the following instructions in the NotePad file: @echo off attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d F:. attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d F:. attrib -h -s -r -a /s /d F:. @echo complete. As beforel F: is just a placeholder! Replace F with the appropriate Drive letter on your computer!.
Now go to Files (found upper left site of window)- Save As and change the save as type to “All files(.)” from “Text documents” and rename it to cleaner. Bat and save it on your desktop. Simply close NotePad and double click on the newly created file. All shortcut viruses from the respective drive will now be removed and your data will be restored!. Repeat these instructions if necessary for each affected drive (don’t forget to change the letter!).
You are not done yet! We have to remove any traces of the virus that remain. Please keep reading. Open the Task Manager by right clicking on the Taskbar and choosing Start Task Manager. Once it opens, choose the Processes Tab. Look at all of the processes in front of you and try to determine which one contains the virus.
It should look like wscript.exe or similar. Google any unfamiliar processes if you are unsure of them or ask us in the comments and we will provide the best assistance we can. A BIG WARNING! READ THIS BEFORE PROCEEDING! The final step involves deleting files from your computer’s registry.
This is a potentially dangerous process, but is required to deal with Shortcut virus. Please be very careful. As doing this wrong can damage your Windows installation or other programs. If you are worried that you might delete something wrong please use a professional shortcut virus remover! Right click on the virus process ( wscript.exe or similar) and select Open File Location.
Also, End the process after you open the folder. Just to make sure we don’t delete any programs you mistakenly took for a virus, copy the folders somewhere, then delete the directories you were sent to. Take a look at the following things: Type msconfig in the search field and hit enter: you will be transported to a Pop Up window. Go in the Startup tab and Uncheck entries that have “Unknown” as Manufacturer. Type Regedit in the windows search field and press Enter.
Once inside, press CTRL and F together and type odwcamszas. Right click and delete any entries you find with a similar name. If you can’t find them this way, look in these directories, and delete/uninstall the registries manually:. HKEYCURRENTUSER—-Software—–Random Directory. It could be any one of them – ask us if you can’t discern which ones are malicious, but bear in mind they are always different.
HKEYCURRENTUSER—-Software—Microsoft—-Windows—CurrentVersion—Run– If these things fail to help you find Shortcut Virus you need to resort to a professional scanner – obviously this is a malware that was created to steal your credentials and credit cards – meaning the people who created it spent a lot of resources to make it as dangerous as possible. Remember to leave us a comment if you run into any trouble! Did we help you? Please, consider helping us by spreading the word!