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What Arm Do You Wear A Flag Patch On


CONNECT 2 COMMENT EMAIL MORE Wow, thanks for all the great questions submitted since last week's premiere column of The Answer Dude. You are a curious lot, and I will strive to answer all your questions. Well, except for the location of the Lost Dutchman Mine; after all, it's lost.

By resolution, the flag patch, when placed on an American Legion uniform, may be placed at the shoulder of either sleeve as long as the blue field is forward.

Larry O'Meara posed this week's question when he stopped in here at Sixth and Hickory. He is the senior vice commander of Disabled American Veterans Chapter 30 in Mountain Home and wanted to know: Why do Baxter County deputies wear the American flag backward on their uniforms? The answer is not as simple as you might think. (Photo: File) I saw Sheriff John Montgomery at 'The Last Dance' program at Cotter High School and asked him about O'Meara's question.

The sheriff, familiar with both the gentleman and his inquiry, said they've talked about it several times and that he's explained why the deputies wear the American flag the way they do on their uniforms. 'It's very simple,' Montgomery said. 'Law enforcement does not wear flags like the military.

We wear the flag the opposite of the military.' 'The military wears the flag so it flies back, where you're rushing in,' the sheriff continued. 'Law enforcement is not considered aggressive like the military, charging in. Therefore, we stop, we evaluate, we take action.'

“It’s very simple. Law enforcement does not wear flags like the military. We wear the flag the opposite of the military.” Baxter County Sheriff John Montgomery Montgomery also told me the uniforms come with the flags already in place. O'Meara said Old Glory should not be worn with the stars to the back, because it's a sign of retreat, of running away. The flag should be shown advancing, or charging forward, he said.

Technically, both. The Code and the general According to the U.S. Code governing the American flag, the flag should be displayed with the union, or the canton, or the blue part with the stars, 'to the flag's own right'; that is, to the left of whoever is looking at it.

That means, technically, if a flag patch is worn on the right sleeve of a uniform, the blue would be to the back. If it's on the left sleeve, then it would face forward.

My husband is a Marine. Put the American flag on your right sleeve. The flag should always be viewed by others from the left. Just look at any uniform and you will see this is so. This is actually incorrect, the marines may do it differently from the rest of the United States, however, the Stars should always be closest to the heart. The stars always lead the way.

What Arm Do You Wear A Watch On

Hello, I have talked to people and fellow veterans about the US flag being worn backwards on military uniforms, I found that most average people and some veterans are not aware of it. I wrote to Congressmen, Senators, the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs and everybody up to and including the Vice President.

I requested a Congressional Inquiry. I wrote to news organizations and started a petition on The White House website titled Defend Our American Flag. I called Joint Base Lewis/McChord and talked with a Lieutenant Colonel, a Captain and the base Command Sergeant Major. I pointed out to them that wearing the US flag backwards violates US Code and US Army Regulations and that it is an unlawful order. They said they will inform their chain of command and after they all review the regulations and US Code the Base Commander will contact me. Soldiers who served after 2003 say that the backward flag patch looks as a flag would look on a staff being carried forward into battle and worn the normal way looks as if they are retreating. I can respect that.

But the millions of veterans and the millions of dead soldiers who served prior to 2003 served and fought to preserve the flag and what it represents. That flag preserves the Liberties which we all take for granted, Free Speech, Free Press, Freedom of Religion, Right to Bear Arms, etc. And if you think the boys on Omaha Beach look as if they are retreating then you must be from a different country than me. Now, after hundreds of thousands of US troops have rotated back to The United States they bring this doctrine home.

People here are wearing the backwards flag patch and displaying the flag backwards. I have seen it on NFL and MLB teams and some police uniforms.

It is all over the television. There was a time during the 1940-1950's when the media and entertainment industry would not show an image of the flag not properly displayed, they would flip the image over. I feel that you guys started this, so now you need to fix it. Many people, organizations, businesses and even government buildings across the Nation displayed the flag every way but the proper way. Then, in 1923 a Congressional Committee came up with The Flag Code so that every American knew the proper way to display the flag. Every citizen should be familiar with The Flag Code and every soldier should know it inside and out. I had to learn it when I was in the Army for a Soldier of The Month Board.


Read US Army Regulations 840-10 Chapter 2, 'The Union (blue field and stars) will always be at the top and on the flags own right.' Then read United States Code Title 4. Then read United States Code Title 36 Chapter 10, subsections 175 and 176.

But nobody looked at the regulations and nobody spoke up for the flag. If I do not speak up for the flag, who will? Most people simply do not care. Many people feel that I should not say anything and since I am a nobody what could I know anyway. I can only say it is not about me, or you, or how cool someone thinks the flag looks when this way or that way, it is about The Flag. US Code and US Army Regulations provide for a flag patch on the uniform sleeve.

But not backwards! That is disrespectful. You never see any pictures of US troops in The Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, Spanish-American War, Mexican War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War wear the US flag patch any way but the proper way, with the Union at the flags' own right. No soldier, nor any General can change the US flag by simply changing the wording and the meaning of 'the flags' own right' in a Department of The Army (DA) pamphlet. It takes a Congressional Committee to do that. United States Code and US Army Regulations supersede the DA pamphlet, or any other DA pamphlet.

Try reading AR 840-10 Chapter 2, the first paragraph. The flag of the United States is the symbol of our nation. The Union, white stars on a field of blue, is the honor point of the flag.

The union of the flag, and the flag itself when in company with other flags, is always given the honor position; for example, the marching right, the flags' own right or an observers left facing the flag.' Notice that word 'always'. And I'd say that display of the flag takes precedence over wear of the uniform. 'AR 670-1 21-18. Flag embroidered insignia a. All Soldiers will wear the full-color U.S. Flag embroidered insignia on utility and organizational uniforms, unless deployed or in a field environment.

Soldiers will wear the subdued tactical flag insignia while deployed or in a field environment. See DA Pam 670-1.' 'DA-PAM 670-1 21-18. Flag embroidered insignia. The colors of the U.S. Flag embroidered insignia (full color) are red, white, and blue.

The size is approximately 2 inches by 3 inches. Flag insignia (full color or subdued) is worn on the right shoulder pocket flap of utility uniforms and cold-weather jackets. The flag insignia is placed directly on top of the hook-and-loop-faced-pad already provided on the uniforms shoulder pocket flap. The subdued U.S.

Flag insignia is worn as directed by the commander under tactical field conditions. Flag embroidered insignia is worn so that the star field faces forward, or to the flags' own right. When worn in this manner, the flag is facing to the observers right and gives the effect of the flag flying in the breeze as the wearer moves forward.

The appropriate replica for the right shoulder sleeve is identified as the reverse side flag.' As I said when the Union (star field they call it) is forward on the right sleeve it is not in the place of honor at 'the flags own right', where according to US Code Title 36 Chapter 10 and US Army Regulation 840-10 Chapter 2 it should 'always' be. Also, in most cases soldiers wear only the flag on the right sleeve and no flag on the left. You are aware of this, now as a Soldier I charge you to do your duty and report this unlawful order to your chain of command and help me return the honor and respect due our National Symbol, the Flag of the United States of America. DA-PAM 670-1 Chapter 21-18 is an unlawful order and I do not wish to see our National Symbol forever changed.

I do not mean any disrespect to our troops or Veterans. But I do care about Our American Flag. I feel that if General Patton were alive today he would rip that patch off of the first soldier he saw and fine him $100 for disrespecting the US flag and for not knowing the US Army regulations about displaying the flag properly. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Merry Christmas, Sincerely, Timothy Thompson Endicott, Washington. My husband is a Marine. Put the American flag on your right sleeve.

The flag should always be viewed by others from the left. Just look at any uniform and you will see this is so. This is actually incorrect, the marines may do it differently from the rest of the United States, however, the Stars should always be closest to the heart. The stars always lead the way. Hello, I have talked to people and fellow veterans about the US flag being worn backwards on military uniforms, I found that most average people and some veterans are not aware of it. I wrote to Congressmen, Senators, the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs and everybody up to and including the Vice President. I requested a Congressional Inquiry.

I wrote to news organizations and started a petition on The White House website titled Defend Our American Flag. I called Joint Base Lewis/McChord and talked with a Lieutenant Colonel, a Captain and the base Command Sergeant Major. I pointed out to them that wearing the US flag backwards violates US Code and US Army Regulations and that it is an unlawful order. They said they will inform their chain of command and after they all review the regulations and US Code the Base Commander will contact me. Soldiers who served after 2003 say that the backward flag patch looks as a flag would look on a staff being carried forward into battle and worn the normal way looks as if they are retreating. I can respect that.

But the millions of veterans and the millions of dead soldiers who served prior to 2003 served and fought to preserve the flag and what it represents. That flag preserves the Liberties which we all take for granted, Free Speech, Free Press, Freedom of Religion, Right to Bear Arms, etc. And if you think the boys on Omaha Beach look as if they are retreating then you must be from a different country than me. Now, after hundreds of thousands of US troops have rotated back to The United States they bring this doctrine home. People here are wearing the backwards flag patch and displaying the flag backwards. I have seen it on NFL and MLB teams and some police uniforms. It is all over the television.

There was a time during the 1940-1950's when the media and entertainment industry would not show an image of the flag not properly displayed, they would flip the image over. I feel that you guys started this, so now you need to fix it. Many people, organizations, businesses and even government buildings across the Nation displayed the flag every way but the proper way. Then, in 1923 a Congressional Committee came up with The Flag Code so that every American knew the proper way to display the flag. Every citizen should be familiar with The Flag Code and every soldier should know it inside and out.

I had to learn it when I was in the Army for a Soldier of The Month Board. Read US Army Regulations 840-10 Chapter 2, 'The Union (blue field and stars) will always be at the top and on the flags own right.' Then read United States Code Title 4. Then read United States Code Title 36 Chapter 10, subsections 175 and 176. But nobody looked at the regulations and nobody spoke up for the flag. If I do not speak up for the flag, who will?

Most people simply do not care. Many people feel that I should not say anything and since I am a nobody what could I know anyway.

Which Arm Do You Wear A Wrist Corsage

I can only say it is not about me, or you, or how cool someone thinks the flag looks when this way or that way, it is about The Flag. US Code and US Army Regulations provide for a flag patch on the uniform sleeve.

But not backwards! That is disrespectful. You never see any pictures of US troops in The Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Civil War, Spanish-American War, Mexican War, World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War wear the US flag patch any way but the proper way, with the Union at the flags' own right. No soldier, nor any General can change the US flag by simply changing the wording and the meaning of 'the flags' own right' in a Department of The Army (DA) pamphlet.

It takes a Congressional Committee to do that. United States Code and US Army Regulations supersede the DA pamphlet, or any other DA pamphlet. Try reading AR 840-10 Chapter 2, the first paragraph. The flag of the United States is the symbol of our nation. The Union, white stars on a field of blue, is the honor point of the flag.

The union of the flag, and the flag itself when in company with other flags, is always given the honor position; for example, the marching right, the flags' own right or an observers left facing the flag.' Notice that word 'always'. And I'd say that display of the flag takes precedence over wear of the uniform. 'AR 670-1 21-18. Flag embroidered insignia a. All Soldiers will wear the full-color U.S. Flag embroidered insignia on utility and organizational uniforms, unless deployed or in a field environment.

Soldiers will wear the subdued tactical flag insignia while deployed or in a field environment. See DA Pam 670-1.' 'DA-PAM 670-1 21-18.

Flag embroidered insignia. The colors of the U.S. Flag embroidered insignia (full color) are red, white, and blue.

The size is approximately 2 inches by 3 inches. Flag insignia (full color or subdued) is worn on the right shoulder pocket flap of utility uniforms and cold-weather jackets. The flag insignia is placed directly on top of the hook-and-loop-faced-pad already provided on the uniforms shoulder pocket flap. The subdued U.S.

Flag insignia is worn as directed by the commander under tactical field conditions. Flag embroidered insignia is worn so that the star field faces forward, or to the flags' own right. When worn in this manner, the flag is facing to the observers right and gives the effect of the flag flying in the breeze as the wearer moves forward. The appropriate replica for the right shoulder sleeve is identified as the reverse side flag.'

As I said when the Union (star field they call it) is forward on the right sleeve it is not in the place of honor at 'the flags own right', where according to US Code Title 36 Chapter 10 and US Army Regulation 840-10 Chapter 2 it should 'always' be. Also, in most cases soldiers wear only the flag on the right sleeve and no flag on the left. You are aware of this, now as a Soldier I charge you to do your duty and report this unlawful order to your chain of command and help me return the honor and respect due our National Symbol, the Flag of the United States of America. DA-PAM 670-1 Chapter 21-18 is an unlawful order and I do not wish to see our National Symbol forever changed. I do not mean any disrespect to our troops or Veterans. But I do care about Our American Flag.

I feel that if General Patton were alive today he would rip that patch off of the first soldier he saw and fine him $100 for disrespecting the US flag and for not knowing the US Army regulations about displaying the flag properly. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Merry Christmas, Sincerely, Timothy Thompson Endicott, Washington. Some people might consider that inappropriate, but there are no laws against it.

Technically that is not true. Section 8D reads that 'The flag should never be used as wearin g apparel.' Legally there are fines and it is punishable under federal law. A flag is defined, by law, as: 'Anything 'by which the average person seeing the same without deliberation may believe the same to represent the flag.'

Cars painted as flags are therefore illegal also. There are also rules of how a flag should be placed. The union side must face northward, is one example.

Flying a flag upside down is still under appeal and may be legal. The case is being tried in Cost Mes, CA. The laws relating to the flag of the United States of America are found in detail in the United States Code. Title 4, Chapter 1 pertains to the flag; Title 18, Chapter 33, Section 700 regards criminal penalties for flag desecration; Title 36, Chapter 3 pertains to patriotic customs and observances. These laws were supplemented by Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations. Then again, burning it in protest is protected under the freedom of speech, why not wearing it?

When approved for wear, the full-color U.S. Flag cloth replica is  sewn 1/2 inch below the right shoulder seam of the temperate,  hot-weather, enhanced hot-weather, and dese rt BDU; the BDU field  jacket; and the cold-weather uniform.

The flag is worn on the right  shoulder, because, in the military, the 'place of honor' is to a  military member's right.    The full-color U.S. Flag cloth replica is worn so that the star  field faces forward, or to the flag's own right. When worn in this  manner, the flag is facing to the observer's right, and gives the  effect of the flag flying in the breeze as the wearer moves  forward.    The rule dates back to the Army's early history, when both mounted  cavalry and infantry units would designate a standard bearer, who  carried the Colors into battle. As he charged, his forward momentum  caused the flag to stream back.

Since the Stars and Stripes are  mounted with the canton closest to the pole, that section stayed to  the right, while the stripes flew to the left.   Hello,   I have talked to people and fellow veterans about the US flag being  worn backwards on military uniforms, I found that most average  people and some veterans are not aware of it. I wrote to  Congressmen, Senators, the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs  and everybody up to and including the Vice President. I requested a  Congressional Inquiry.

I wrote to news organizations and started a  petition on The White House website titled Defend Our American  Flag. I called Joint Base Lewis/McChord and talked with a  Lieutenant Colonel, a Captain and the base Command Sergeant Major.  I pointed out to them that wearing the US flag backwards violates  US Code and US Army Regulations and that it is an unlawful order.

 They said they will inform their chain of command and after they  all review the regulations and US Code the Base Commander will  contact me.   Soldiers who served after 2003 say that the backward flag patch  looks as a flag would look on a staff being carried forward into  battle and worn the normal way looks as if they are retreating. I  can respect that. But the millions of veterans and the millions of  dead soldiers who served prior to 2003 served and fought to  preserve the flag and what it represents. That flag preserves the  Liberties which we all take for granted, Free Speech, Free Press,  Freedom of Religion, Right to Bear Arms, etc. And if you think the  boys on Omaha Beach look as if they are retreating then you must be  from a different country than me.   Now, after hundreds of thousands of US troops have rotated back to  The United States they bring this doctrine home.

People here are  wearing the backwards flag patch and displaying the flag backwards.  I have seen it on NFL and MLB teams and some police uniforms.

It is  all over the television. There was a time during the 1940-1950's  when the media and entertainment industry would not show an image  of the flag not properly displayed, they would flip the image over.  I feel that you guys started this, so now you need to fix it.   Many people, organizations, businesses and even government  buildings across the Nation displayed the flag every way but the  proper way. Then, in 1923 a Congressional Committee came up with  The Flag Code so that every American knew the proper way to display  the flag.

Every citizen should be familiar with The Flag Code and  every soldier should know it inside and out. I had to learn it when  I was in the Army for a Soldier of The Month Board.   Read US Army Regulations 840-10 Chapter 2, 'The Union (blue field  and stars) will always be at the top and on the flags own right.'  Then read United States Code Title 4. Then read United States Code  Title 36 Chapter 10, subsections 175 and 176. But nobody looked at  the regulations and nobody spoke up for the flag. If I do not speak  up for the flag, who will?

Most people simply do not care. Many  people feel that I should not say anything and since I am a nobody  what could I know anyway. I can only say it is not about me, or  you, or how cool someone thinks the flag looks when this way or  that way, it is about The Flag.   US Code and US Army Regulations provide for a flag patch on the  uniform sleeve. But not backwards!

That is disrespectful. You never  see any pictures of US troops in The Revolutionary War, War of  1812, Civil War, Spanish-American War, Mexican War, World War I,  World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War wear the US flag patch any  way but the proper way, with the Union at the flags' own right.

No  soldier, nor any General can change the US flag by simply changing  the wording and the meaning of 'the flags' own right' in a  Department of The Army (DA) pamphlet. It takes a Congressional  Committee to do that. United States Code and US Army Regulations  supersede the DA pamphlet, or any other DA pamphlet.   Try reading AR 840-10 Chapter 2, the first paragraph. The flag of the United States is the symbol of our nation.  The Union, white stars on a field of blue, is the honor point of  the flag. The union of the flag, and the flag itself when in  company with other flags, is always given the honor position; for  example, the marching right, the flags' own right or an observers  left facing the flag.'

  Notice that word 'always'. And I'd say that display of the flag  takes precedence over wear of the uniform.   'AR 670-1 21-18. Flag embroidered insignia   a.

All Soldiers will wear the full-color U.S. Flag embroidered  insignia on utility and organizational uniforms, unless deployed or  in a field environment. Soldiers will wear the subdued tactical  flag insignia while deployed or in a field environment. See DA Pam 670-1.'   'DA-PAM 670-1 21-18. Flag embroidered insignia. The colors of the U.S.

Finding nemo musical soundtrack torrent. Flag embroidered insignia  (full color) are red, white, and blue. The size is approximately 2  inches by 3 inches. Flag insignia (full color or subdued) is  worn on the right shoulder pocket flap of utility uniforms and  cold-weather jackets. The flag insignia is placed directly on top  of the hook-and-loop-faced-pad already provided on the uniforms  shoulder pocket flap. The subdued U.S. Flag insignia is worn as  directed by the commander under tactical field conditions. (2) The  U.S.

Flag embroidered insignia is worn so that the star field faces  forward, or to the flags' own right. When worn in this manner, the  flag is facing to the observers right and gives the effect of the  flag flying in the breeze as the wearer moves forward. The  appropriate replica for the right shoulder sleeve is identified as  the reverse side flag.'   As I said when the Union (star field they call it) is forward on  the right sleeve it is not in the place of honor at 'the flags own  right', where according to US Code Title 36 Chapter 10 and US Army  Regulation 840-10 Chapter 2 it should 'always' be.

Also, in most  cases soldiers wear only the flag on the right sleeve and no flag  on the left.   You are aware of this, now as a Soldier I charge you to do your  duty and report this unlawful order to your chain of command and  help me return the honor and respect due our National Symbol, the  Flag of the United States of America.   DA-PAM 670-1 Chapter 21-18 is an unlawful order and I do not wish  to see our National Symbol forever changed. I do not mean any  disrespect to our troops or Veterans.

But I do care about Our  American Flag. I feel that if General Patton were alive today he  would rip that patch off of the first soldier he saw and fine him  $100 for disrespecting the US flag and for not knowing the US Army  regulations about displaying the flag properly.   I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,  and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God,  indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.   Merry Christmas,   Sincerely,   Timothy Thompson   Endicott, Washington. First, this is another internet myth, based on some incorrect information. He did not 'refuse,' and it had nothing to do with his attitude about the flag.

When then-Senator Ob ama was running for office, he didn't wear any lapel pins of any kind, nor did a number of other candidates. But his Republican opponents began saying the lack of a flag pin on Mr. Obama's lapel meant he was unpatriotic, a charge repeated on conservative talk radio as well. For a short time, he ignored the charges because he felt they were just politically motivated, but gradually, as more candidates began to wear flag lapel pins, and as his opponents kept questioning his patriotism, he decided it was best to go along with wearing a flag pin, so that it would not be a distraction in the campaign.