Online BinHex Encoder / Decoder Tool If you encounter any errors with this tool attaching the file that causes problems. This input is for text data only. Please notice that copy-pasting binary data into this textarea will most probably cause bad output.
File Extension HBX File Format. BinHex Encoded File HBX stands for BinHex Encoded File. This was last updated in March 2012. By Margaret Rouse.
If you need to perform an action on a binary file use the file uploading option below (file size limit = 10MB). Remember to save the binary results using the 'Save to file' button, copy-pasting from here will produce corrupted data. No input files or data are saved nor analyzed by - all temporary data is deleted after 24 hours at most.
BinHex, short for 'binary-to-hexadecimal', is a binary-to-text encoding system that was used on the Mac OS for sending binary files through e-mail. It is similar to Uuencode, but combined both 'forks' (The resource fork is a construct of the Mac OS operating system used to store structured data in a file, alongside unstructured data stored within the data fork.) of the Mac file system together, along with extended file information. BinHexed files take up more space than the original files, but are far less likely to be corrupted in transit. BinHex was originally written by Tim Mann for the TRS-80, as a stand-alone version of an encoding scheme originally built into a popular terminal emulator. BinHex files of the era were typically given the file extension.hex. BinHex was used for sending files via major online services such as CompuServe, which were not '8-bit clean' and required ASCII armoring to survive.
CompuServe later addressed this problem in the mid-1980s with the addition of 8-bit clean file transfer protocols, and solutions like BinHex stopped being used. The file upload problem still existed on CompuServe when the Mac was first released in 1984. William Davis ported BinHex to the Mac using Microsoft BASIC in a simple version that could encode the data fork only, ignoring the resource fork. The rise in use of Internet e-mail coincides roughly with the release of the Macintosh, and Davis's version was posted on the Info-Mac mailing list by Joel Heller in June 1984.
Several newer versions were published during 1984, resulting in BinHex 3 that could encode both forks. Yves Lempereur, author of the first assembler for the Mac, MacASM, found that in order to upload his files to CompuServe he had to use BinHex. The BASIC version was very slow, so he ported it to assembler and released it as BinHex 1.0.
The program was roughly a hundred times as fast as the BASIC version, and soon upgrade requests were flooding in. The original BinHex was a fairly simple format, one that was not very efficient because it expanded every byte of input into two - an 8-to-4 bit encoding. For BinHex 2.0, Lempereur used a new 8-to-6 encoding that improved file size by 50% and took the opportunity to add a new CRC error checking routine in place of the earlier checksum. The smaller files were incompatible with the older ones, so the extension became.hcx, c for compact. Unfortunately, the compact format also had its problems.
The 6-bit encoding produced a number of characters that some foreign-language mail programs would convert into local versions, thereby destroying the file. In addition, the file metadata information was still placed in the file in plain text, and therefore could become corrupted in the same fashion. In order to solve all of these problems, Lempereur released BinHex 4.0 in 1985, skipping 3.0 to avoid confusion with the now long-dead BASIC version. 4.0 carefully selected its character mappings to avoid ones that were translated by mail software, encoded all the information including the file information and protected everything with multiple CRCs. The resulting.hqx files were roughly the same size of the.hcx's, but much more robust.
At about the time BinHex 4 was released, most online services started supporting robust 8-bit file transfer protocols such as Zmodem, and the need for ASCII armoring went away. This left a problem on the Mac however, as there was still the need to encode the two forks into one. A team effort among Macintosh communications programmers resulted in MacBinary, which left the contents of the forks in their original 8-bit format and added a simple header for combining them on reception. MacBinary files were thus much smaller than BinHex. Lempereur released BinHex 5.0, almost identical to 4.0 with the exception that it used MacBinary to combine the forks before running the 8-to-6 encoding, but it saw little use, as he expected. However, on the Internet, e-mail was still the primary method of moving files. At the time only a few people had access to the Internet, and it was an isolated community unto its own.
Years later when he first got onto the Internet, Lempereur was surprised to find that BinHex 4.0 was still extremely popular. The same ends could be achieved by first using MacBinary or AppleSingle to combine the forks, and then using Uuencode or Base64 on the resulting file, but none of these solutions ever became popular and BinHex 4.0 survived well into the late 1990s. Various file archives of pre-Mac OS X software are still filled with BinHexed files. (Source: ) The best indicator that a file is encoded by BinHex is the.HQX (or sometimes.HEX,.HCX) extension and the typical header line. A file coded with BinHex starts with a header line of the form: (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) For example, converting the first paragraph of the above About section using BinHex would give the following result: (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0):#hGPBR9dD@acAh'X!$mr2cmr2cmr!!!!!!)T!!!!!'
Credits This is your credit balance. Even if you are an anonymous user, you are given some credits to spend. Every IP address has its own account and it is provided with free credits that can be used to pay for Online Domain Tools services. Moreover, credit balance is reset every day. This is why we call them Daily Credits. Registered users have higher Daily Credits amounts and can even increase them by purchasing subscriptions. Annie lennox christmas album.
Besides Daily Credits, all accounts, including IP address accounts of anonymous users, have their credit Wallet. Wallet credits are not reset on a daily basis, but they are only spent when a user has not enough Daily Credits. Registered users can buy credits to their wallets. All IP address accounts are created with an initial Wallet balance of 3.00. Once IP address account spends credits from its Wallet, it can not be charged again. This should allow new users to try most of Online Domain Tools services without registration. Checkout The table in Checkout section clearly summarizes prices that are associated with options you choose in the tool's form.
Your credit balance is displayed on the right side above the main menu. Even if you are an anonymous user, you are given some credits to spend.
Every IP address has its own account and it is provided with free credits that can be used to pay for Online Domain Tools services. Moreover, credit balance is reset every day. This is why we call them Daily Credits.
Accounts of registered users have higher Daily Credits amounts and can even increase them by purchasing subscriptions. Besides Daily Credits, all accounts, including IP address accounts of anonymous users, have their credit Wallet. Wallet credits are not reset on a daily basis, but they are only spent when a user has not enough Daily Credits. Registered users can buy credits to their wallets. All IP address accounts are created with an initial Wallet balance of 3.00. Once IP address account spends credits from its Wallet, it can not be charged again.
This should allow new users to try most of Online Domain Tools services without registration. Online Encoders and Decoders makes it simple to encode or decode data. Firstly, choose the type of encoding tool in the Tool field. Then, using the Input type field, choose whether you want to use a text string as an input or a file. Type your input to the Text string field or select the input file through the File field and finally, hit the 'Encode!' Or the 'Decode!'
If you click the 'Encode!' Button it is assumed that the input is not encoded and you want to encode it. If you click the 'Decode!'
Button it is assumed that the input is encoded and you want to decode it. In case of Code page Encoder/Decoder tool, you also have to choose the source code page and the target code page. This tool has only one button – the 'Convert!' Button, which does the conversion of the input data from the source code page encoding to the target code page encoding.
In case of IDN Encoder/Decoder tool, you can encode or decode more domains at once if each domain is on a separate line. In case of Uuencoder/Uudecoder tool, use Add header line (encoding only) check box to specify whether you want Uuencoder's output to contain a uuencoding header.
Uudecoder works automatically with both formats of input with and without a header. For your convenience, the Switch input and output! Link is available, if applicable, after a tool is run. The link exchanges contents of the output field with the input text field.
In some cases switching of input and output is disabled.