FROM THE INTRODUCTION 'Considerable effort has gone into the study of various aspects of flammability and of various plastic materials, so that these materials which.
Author by: Carlos J. Hilado Language: en Publisher by: CRC Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 72 Total Download: 454 File Size: 40,5 Mb Description: FROM THE INTRODUCTION 'Considerable effort has gone into the study of various aspects of flammability and of various plastic materials, so that these materials which are proving so useful to man will always be used in ways which will not compromise his safety. The task is a continuing one, because the family of plastics continues to grow, and, along with it, its variety of applications.
Some of these future applications cannot even be conceived of at the present time. The needs of man and his society are changing, and with them the factors that affect his safety, comfort, and convenience. A flammability handbook for plastics must necessarily involve a variety of sciences and technologies spread across the whole spectrum of human knowledge, and it is impossible to discuss all the subjects in great depth. Any details extracted for attention are brought because they are believed to be significant to the overall effort to make plastics as useful and safe as humanly possible.' Author by: Myer Kutz Language: en Publisher by: William Andrew Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 73 Total Download: 968 File Size: 52,7 Mb Description: A practical reference for all plastics engineers who are seeking to answer a question, solve a problem, reduce a cost, improve a design or fabrication process, or even venture into a new market. Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook covers both polymer basics – helpful to bring readers quickly up to speed if they are not familiar with a particular area of plastics processing – and recent developments – enabling practitioners to discover which options best fit their requirements. Each chapter is an authoritative source of practical advice for engineers, providing authoritative guidance from experts that will lead to cost savings and process improvements.
Throughout the book, the focus is on the engineering aspects of producing and using plastics. The properties of plastics are explained along with techniques for testing, measuring, enhancing and analyzing them. Author by: Donald Rosato Language: en Publisher by: Springer Science & Business Media Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 28 Total Download: 712 File Size: 41,8 Mb Description: For some time there has been a strong need in the plastic and related industries for a detailed, practical book on designing with plastics and composites (reinforced plastics). This one-source book meets this criterion by clearly explaining all aspects of designing with plastics, as can be seen from the Table of Contents and Index.
It provides information on what is ahead as well as today's technology. It explains how to interrelate the process of meeting design performance requirements with that of selecting the proper plastic and manufacturing process to make a product at the lowest cost. This book has been prepared with an awareness that its usefulness will depend greatly upon its simplicity. The overall guiding premise has therefore been to provide all essential information.
Each chapter is organized to best present a methodology for designing with plastics and composites. Of industrial designers, whether in engineering This book will prove useful to all types or involved in products, molds, dies or equipment, and to people in new-product ventures, research and development, marketing, purchasing, and management who are involved with such different products as appliances, the building industry, autos, boats, electronics, furniture, medical, recreation, space vehicles, and others. In this handbook the basic essentials of the properties and processing behaviors of plastics are presented in a single source intended to be one the user will want to keep within easy reach.
Author by: Vishu Shah Language: en Publisher by: John Wiley & Sons Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 75 Total Download: 606 File Size: 46,7 Mb Description: Written in easy-to-read and -use format, this book updates and revises its bestselling predecessor to become the most complete, comprehensive resource on plastics testing. This book has an emphasis on significance of test methods and interpretation of results. The book covers all aspects of plastics testing, failure analysis, and quality assurance - including chapters on identification analysis, failure analysis, and case studies. The book concludes with a substantial appendix with useful data, charts and tables for ready reference. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Author by: Arthur H. Landrock Language: en Publisher by: Elsevier Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 66 Total Download: 596 File Size: 45,7 Mb Description: This book is intended to be a source of practical information on all types of plastic foams (cellular plastics) in use, including the new structural plastic foams.
Elastomer (rubber-like) foams are also considered. The book is intended primarily for those who require a non-theoretical, authoritative, easy-to-use handbook in the subject area.
It should be of value to materials engineers, plastics fabricators, chemists, chemical engineers and students. Recognized authorities have written several chapters and parts of chapters in their fields of expertise. The book is organized in such a way that information on a desired subject can be found rapidly. An unusual feature is a comprehensive listing of all known standardization documents (test methods, practices, and specifications), including some international standards. Each document includes a brief description of its contents. Author by: Olagoke Olabisi Language: en Publisher by: CRC Press Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 21 Total Download: 419 File Size: 47,5 Mb Description: This new edition of the bestselling Handbook of Thermoplastics incorporates recent developments and advances in thermoplastics with regard to materials development, processing, properties, and applications.
Author by: Hanna Dodiuk Language: en Publisher by: William Andrew Format Available: PDF, ePub, Mobi Total Read: 76 Total Download: 342 File Size: 49,6 Mb Description: Thermosetting plastics are a distinct category of plastics whose high performance, durability and reliability at high temperatures makes them suitable for specialty applications ranging from automotive and aerospace through to electronic packaging and consumer products (your melamine kitchen worktop is a thermoset resin!). Recent developments in thermoset plastics technology and processes has broadened their use exponentially over recent years, and these developments continue: in November 2011, French scientists created a new lightweight thermoset that is as strong and stable as previous materials yet can be easily reworked and reshaped when heated which makes it unique amongst thermosets and allows for repair and recycling. The Handbook of Thermoset Plastics, now in its 3rd edition, provides a comprehensive survey of the chemical processes, manufacturing techniques and design properties of each polymer, along with their applications. Written by a team of highly experienced practitioners, the practical implications of using thermoset plastics are presented – both their strengths and weaknesses. The data and descriptions presented here enable engineers, scientists and technicians to form judgments and take action on the basis of informed analysis.
The aim of the book is to help the reader to make the right decision and take the correct action – avoiding the pitfalls the authors’ experience has uncovered. Sansui tv manuals. The new edition has been updated throughout to reflect current practice in manufacturing and processing, featuring: Case Studies to demonstrate how particular properties make different polymers suitable for different applications, as well as covering end-use and safety considerations. A new chapter on using nanoparticles to enhance thermal and mechanical properties. A new chapter describing new materials based on renewable resources (such as soy-based thermoset plastics). A new chapter covering recent developments and potential future technologies such as new catalysts for Controlled Radical Polymerization. Goodman and Dodiuk-Kenig provide a comprehensive reference guide to the chemistry, manufacturing and applications of thermosets. Updated to include recent developments in manufacturing – from biopolymers to nanocomposites.
Case Studies illustrate applications of key thermoset plastics.