I currently own a DX4870 desktop with windows 8. The bios in my computer is now showing Acer Aspire M1935 instead of Gateway DX4870 after a Gateway website bios upgrade. I think that I installed the wrong bios. After the update, the computer is not showing a serial or tag number. Anyways, everything was fine until my hard drive failed and I needed to reinstall Windows 8. I called Gateway but they could not take care of me without a serial number.
The serial number in the chassis is unreadable scratched. I am stock on bios P01.A2. I need bios P11.B1 from Gateway which would allow me to install Windows 8 in my computer. When I try to install the P11.B1 bios, the computer says that the size of this bios is different than P01.A2. I installed the OEM Windows 8 but the software is now asking me for a serial number that I do not have.
Manual for GT5628 Computer, Computer specification for GT5628 user manual Gateway Computer Manuals,Gateway GT5628. Gateway Gt5628 Motherboard Manual Below is a list of our most popular Gateway BIOS / Motherboard driver downloads. To download, select the exact Model Name/Number of.
This is really frustrating. Please Help!! Did you use WinHex to modify the BIOS file and then flashed the BIOS with that modified file?
This is crazy! First I went to the official website for a bios update, I ended up losing my serial number and real computer name and model. After that I could not reinstall the original operating system because of the bios and now I completely corrupted the bios! What else can happened?? You obviously made modifications without a good understanding of what they did. You could buy a replacement motherboard, but have you considered contacting Gateway about getting the correct BIOS flahed on your motherboard? That may possibly be the least expensive solution.
Did you use WinHex to modify the BIOS file and then flashed the BIOS with that modified file? This is crazy! First I went to the official website for a bios update, I ended up losing my serial number and real computer name and model. After that I could not reinstall the original operating system because of the bios and now I completely corrupted the bios!
What else can happened?? You obviously made modifications without a good understanding of what they did. You could buy a replacement motherboard, but have you considered contacting Gateway about getting the correct BIOS flahed on your motherboard? That may possibly be the least expensive solution. I contacted Gateway but they need me to provide the serial number which I can not read. The sticker in the chasis is scratched and the bios corrupted. If you bought it new there may be a serial number on the box (if you still have it) or on the invoice.
Even without a serial number Gateway could flash the BIOS. Edit: What issue did you have that required flashing the BIOS? The box is already long gone. I bought the computer on eBay but there is not serial number on the invoice. I understand that they could flash the bios even without the serial number. However, they refuse to take care of me for free without the serial number. I sent Gateway the eBay bill for them to see weather they approve the repairs or not.
I should have asked them how much they would charge me for the bios flash when the computer is not under warranty. When I tried reinstalled the OEM Windows 8 but due to the wrong bios update, the software was asking me for a serial number that I did not have. I tried forcing the bios update by using WinHex.
That was when I messed up the motherboard bios. Even if Acer charged for flashing the BIOS, it should still be less expensive than buying another motherboard.
You haven't told us why a BIOS flash was required in the first place, but if Acer provided the wrong BIOS file, then they'll probbaly flash it for free. One has to be very familiar with machine language to modify a BIOS file properly. I usually visit the vendor website to get the most recent drivers for my computers, especially the Bios. I check the updates on my HP Envy and Lenovo at list every three months. I am going to try again pointing out that I messed my Bios after the update.
I just received this email from Gateway: Dear xxxx xxxxxxxx, This email is to confirm that your Acer product's warranty information has been updated. The warranty period for this product is through.
Due to the unit being purchased from Ebay, the warranty will not transfer. The warrnaty will remain the same. For detailed warranty information, please visit us at If you need repair service, please visit us at For technical assistance, you can contact us at our Acer Support number of 1-800-816-2237 available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Thank You, Service Operations.