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Sistem De Operare Windows Vista Pret


O- I N S T A L L N O T E S -o 1.) Unpack to hard drive 2.) Burn the image to CD and install 3.) Use any Windows.NET RC1 key to install and activate If you don't know where to get the key, please sign up at 4.) Enjoy! You can only install Longhorn by choosing the upgrade option. The CD is originally non-bootable; thus you can’t choose fresh install. If LH seems to run too slow, you can un-install WinFS From the Add/Remove Windows components. Thus, it should greatly increase your system speed if not double it:D o- Brought to you by the crew at #BETAS ELITE-IRC -o Dupa cum vedeti se va chema Windows.net (am asta de pe CD-ul cu versiunea Alpha a windowsului Longhorn/.Net/XP SE, cum vreti voi). WinHEC 2003: First Look at Longhorn Graphics 'In a pre-show demonstration of the Longhorn graphics subsystem at the WinHEC trade show in New Orleans Monday night, I saw for the first time some of the advanced video effects that Microsoft will enable in the next Windows version. Longhorn, due in late 2004 or early 2005, includes a completely new desktop composition system that replaces the model used in previous Windows versions with one that is more technically advanced, visually appealing, and scalable.

  1. Functiile Sistemului De Operare
  2. Windows 7

The early test versions Microsoft is showing at WinHEC include amazing animation effects, smooth window scaling, and advanced window translucency'. Articolul se gaseste aici (wininformant.com. Microsoft a confirmat ieri ca Longhorn va fi lansat pe piata in 2005. Sursa: PCWorld.com (2.

Pe propriul PC, am instalat si utilizez 5 sisteme de operare – Windows 7. Si vin in Europa si SUA cu preturi mult mai. Of Windows Vista Windows Vista 3.

Se pare ca Longhorn va fi in primul rand un upgrade al interfetei-utilizator, bazat pe DirectX 9, cu elemente animate si animabile de interfata. Puteti vedea screenshots si videos cu efectele vizuale din build 4015 aici (3. Windows Client Roadmap, asa cum a fost prezentat la WinHEC saptamana aceasta, in fisierul atasat.

Sursa Neowin (url=http://www.neowin.net/comments.php?id=10905&category=main). Universal Audio Architecture (UAA) ('The Universal Audio Architecture describes a class driver architecture for PC audio solutions supported in the next version of the Microsoft® Windows® operating system, code-named “Longhorn.” This paper provides an overview of UAA for system manufacturers and manufacturers of audio devices.

The Road to Windows 'Longhorn' (de Paul Thurrott. 'At the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC) 2003 trade show in New Orleans in May 2003, Microsoft finally revealed its roadmap for Longhorn, the next major Windows desktop version, and the successor to Windows XP. Longhorn, as readers of this site know, will be the most dramatic and exciting release of Windows ever, and the most important update to the product since Windows 95. As I noted in my first Longhorn preview, published almost a year and a half ago, Longhorn has long been wrapped in mystery, with conflicting reports about the product's features and an unprecedented number of purposefully forged screenshots, video clips, and technical documents. In that first preview, I played the role of debunker, forced to document the many Longhorn fakes out there, explain why they weren't real, and then detail the information about Longhorn I knew to be correct.

This year, things are becoming more clear, thanks to a suddenly open and communicative Microsoft, and the all-to-obvious fakes are fewer. So here's what we know about Longhorn, circa mid-2003.' Pentru a putea oferi o multitudine de variante de Windows, adaptate unor cerinte diverse, Longhorn va avea un design modular, neobisnuit pana acum pentru Windows. Detalii: aici ('The next major client version of Windows, code-named Longhorn, will be designed as a series of components that Microsoft can easily combine and tailor for different markets and computing hardware, according to company executives. That's a break from the company's long-held strategy of building several similar, yet distinct, operating systems positioned for specific purposes and geographic areas. The change will simplify the process, and hence cut the costs associated with building Windows PCs or issuing software patches, according to Mark Myers, OEM manufacturing program manager at Microsoft.' Securitatea Longhorn va fi mult mai buna, promite Microsoft.

'You may live in the nicest part of town, but the moment you plug that network cable into the wall, you are in the seediest neighborhood on the planet. There are some really rotten people out there,' said Michael Howard, a Microsoft senior security program manager and an author of the book, 'Writing Secure Code.' But Neil Charney, director of product management in Microsoft's desktop Windows group, said the company considers security a higher priority than any of the new Longhorn features unveiled this week.

'We get to go there,' Charney said of those features, 'when we focus on the security elements in the right way.' Articolul complet (http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/business/146251pdcsecurity31.html). RC1 - build 5600 is out in the wild!:D x86 vista5600.29-2230x86freclient-LR1CFREENDVD.iso x64 vista5600.29-2230x64freclient-LR1CxFREENDVD.iso The RC1 build will time out in May 2007, Microsoft says, and the company will support it with critical updates and other patches through the final release of Windows Vista, which is slated for late October 2006. Paul Thurrott (- on Windowsitpro To give you an idea of how momentous an occasion this is, consider that there were more than 825 bugs in the Vista RC1 build tree as recently as August 5. Today, that bug count is down to just 7, none of which are showstoppers or problems that would prevent Microsoft from shipping that code to customers. De pe Windowsitpro (- compilat de acelaºi autor.

Sounds verry nice indeed:). Microsoft Announces Vista Logo Program (:B More than 250 hardware and software products from over 50 industry partners have received either the Certified for Windows Vista logo or the Works with Windows Vista logo created to help consumers more easily identify software and devices that are compatible with the new operating system. The Works with Windows Vista logo helps ensure compatibility, and the Certified for Windows Vista logo indicates that a particular software or device will help deliver a superior end-user experience when used with a PC running a Windows Vista operating system.

Last Minute Changes to Windows Vista (is making some pretty serious changes to Windows Vista in a bid to meet its antitrust requirements in the European Union (EU) and South Korea and, to a lesser degree, to answer recent criticisms.changes come in three primary areas: Security, search, and the XPS document format. Licensing Changes to Windows Vista (has clarified the EULA for Windows Vista. They've made it more readable, for starters, so normal people can get by the legalese and understand what the document really means. And ultimately, that's all I'm trying to point out. Not much has changed. Introduce un sistem de diagnostic al diverselor probleme de conectivite oferind si solutii pentru rezolvarea acestora, are un sistem nou de filtrare a evenimentelor din Event Viewer pentru a grupa, sa zicem, toate evenimentele care tin de setarile Wireless, introduce DEP, introduce un sistem mult mai strict de securitate pentru limitarea accesului unui user la diverse aplicatii. Cu alte cuvinte mult mai 'user friendly' pentru utlizatorul obisnuit si nestiutor.

Restul este pentru utilizatori avansati: sute de noi politici in Group Policy, modul de management pentru sistemele de monitorizare, etc. Microsoft Overcomes Final Vista Hurdles (Microsoft pushed Vista build 5824 into escrow, hoping that the build could qualify as the final shipping version. But a catastrophic problem with the build destroyed any systems that upgraded from Windows XP, requiring complete reinstallations.

On Friday, Microsoft internally released build 5840, which didn't include the bug. Testing over the weekend produced positive feedback. Vista build 5840 includes a surprising number of brand-new and final icons, and a new set of final wallpapers. Looking good! Windows Vista RTM is Imminent (In its quest to finalize Windows Vista, Microsoft has faced two hurdles in recent days, one technical and one a bit more unusual. The proposed final build was marred by a few late breaking bugs, which the company expects to squash over the weekend. Windows Vista Service Pack 1 (SP1, codenamed 'Fiji') is due in late 2007 alongside Windows Longhorn Server, as is the next version of Windows Media Center, though Microsoft is still not sure how they'll ship that latter upgrade.

Functiile Sistemului De Operare

Vista SP1, despite the name, is going to be a major upgrade: It will include a new version of the Windows kernel (version 6.1). Despre Windows Vista drivers (- Interviu cu Jim Allchin (the Chief of Microsoft’s Vista development effort and long-time Microsoft employee).since Vista went RTM, an addition 11,700 drivers are now ready and waiting for you if you add a new peripheral to your computer. Windows XP only had 10,000 drivers on its CD, with only 2000 on the Windows Update service, so this is a major improvement.Vista will also use the Windows Update service to fix any issues, major or minor, that are yet to be discovered in Vista as it reaches consumers en-masse. No More Clean Installs Using Upgrade Discs With Windows Vista (Microsoft has cut out this process for Windows Vista and forces users who buy an upgrade CD to actually have a valid install of Windows XP Home or Professional on their machines before upgrading.users wanting to perform a clean install with a Vista upgrade CD will have to: 1) Install a genuine copy of Windows XP Home/Professional 2) Activate Windows XP through Microsoft 3) Upgrade to Windows Vista from within Windows XP.

Windows 7

E disponibil si in Romania, luni sau marti cel tarziu o sa apara pe oferta la noi, am vazut vineri pachetele.:D Din pacate, desi OS-ul in sine nu mai e beta totusi driverele pentru el sunt, iar cele care se pretind 'final version' nu sunt decat stabile si compatibile Vista, performanta lasand inca mult de dorit. Estimez ca abia prin vara va merita cu adevarat trecerea, sau pentru cei mai rabdatori (ca mine) cam peste un an, la primul Service Pack, care probabil va transforma Vista intr-un sistem de operare cu adevarat matur si puternic (asa a fost si la WinXP, nu cred ca de data asta va fi diferit). Iata care sunt variantele de licente Windows Vista (m-am interesat pentru Windows Vista Ultimate x86 - 32 bit): Licenta OEM - se achizitioneaza ca atare numai pachetul sigilat, nefiind nevoie de achizitie componenta hardware si costa jumatate cat licenta Retail. are licenta downgrade cu Windows XP Professional (adica se poate instala pe sistem numai Windows XP Pro sau numai Windows Vista Ultimate). Windows Vista Tips & Tricks by Paul Thurrott unu (- doi (- trei (- patru (- cinci (Preferatele mele:D.you can access the shortcuts in the Quick Launch toolbar using hidden keyboard shortcuts.If you've got file extensions displayed by default, the rename selection will no longer include the extension.

Sistem De Operare Windows Vista Pret

So you no longer have to worry about blowing away file name extensions.you can trigger the new Windows Flip 3D task switcher (typically triggered via the WINKEY+TAB keyboard shortcut or the 'Switch between windows' shortcut in the Quick Launch toolbar). With your mouse.MKV e doar un container, la fel ca si avi, iar partea de video e codata probabil tot cu Divx, Xvid si variantele. Ceea ce este necesar pentru a viziona un fisier cu extensia mkv este fie instalarea unui filtru splitter care sa permita vizionarea in orice aplicatie ce foloseste DirectSohow, fie folosirea unui player care sa includa acest splitter, cum este Media Player Classic. Personal sint adeptul minimalismului in materie de codecuri: ffdshow + Media Player Classic (care nici macar nu are nevoie de instalare) sint cam tot ce-ti trebuie chiar daca ai de-a face si cu formate mai 'exotice'. Am reinstalat prea multe sisteme distruse de Ace Mega Codecs si altele asemenea ca sa mai recomand asa ceva. Disable Annoying Vista UAC popups with TweakUAC (TweakUAC(TM) is a free software tool that you can use to quickly turn UAC (User Account Control of Windows Vista) on or off, or to make UAC operate in the quiet mode. TweakUAC does NOT require installation, the file is immediately available for use right after you download it.

Disable Security Center Popup Notifications (If you decide to turn off automatic updates, you'll be annoyed to death with popup messages from the Security Center that tell you to 'Check your computer security' or 'Check your Firewall status' if you disabled the firewall. It's a good thing you can turn those messages off. A Look at Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Release Candidate 1 (disk space required to install SP1 has been reduced. Previously, in the SP1 beta, a 32-bit version of the installer would require 7 GB of free space, even though most of that was given back after Setup was complete. Now, in RC1, it requires 4.5 GB or less, depending on your configuration.Windows Vista is already a stellar operating system, and whether you believe that or not, please don't be misled into believing that SP1 is going to change the overall experience very much.

Even in pre-release form, SP1 is solid and stable, but it's not a big change for anyone who's been using Vista all along.